The halloween party. The girls look great.
The pool area where we stayed.
Harbourtown area in Melbourne.
Our disappointing Japanese Tepanyaki dinner. Company was unreal though.
Jarryd with my neices bearded dragon lizard.
I love reading blogs. I read blogs every day and used to comment on so many blogs, but life has got in the way. I am spending so much time on the computer just with facebook, the blog has taken a back seat.
I started this blog mainly as a diary of events that the kids can look back on hopefully one day. It's turned into a bit of a weight loss saga at times but the one thing I can truly thank the blog for is the wonderful friends I have made. I hate writing. I love reading well written blogs and wish I could write like that but the truth is that it is a chore to blog. I will never shut down my blog but will use it for photos and milestones and interesting things that happen in our lives.
My marriage has been a disaster for the last 2 years but we went to Mildura a couple of weeks ago and made a fresh start. The past is the past. No bringing up of old crap that we are never going to agree on. My part is less computer time which I totally get.
We have a house guest at the moment that has been here for 6 weeks. It's not an ideal situation but he is a good friend and he is down on his luck losing his marriage and business in the last few years. Not good timing for our marriage recovery having someone extra in the house but he would be on the street if we didn't take him in. He has been a great help around the house and has looked after the kids a few times. He has 2 boys that he has here occasionally. But this house is so crowded and I am over it.
Ashleigh got her braces on a last Monday and is coping really well. She had to have 4 teeth out prior and it was horrible. But she looks so pretty. Jarryd is heading down the same path. He has a baby tooth that should be down but isn't and the dentist is concerned something is stopping it. So she did xrays and we find out next appointment in January.
Weight wise, I am the same as I was 6 months ago. I guess I should feel good that I haven't blown out over winter which always happens. I am still 20 kgs down but it is slowly creeping back on so the journey continues.
Nikki has turned 13 and I am officially the mummy of a teenager :( She had a halloween party that got a bit big as you can see from the photos. Lesson learnt for Nikki. They were all pretty well behaved though except for the kid that decided it would be fun to throw food around a wet area. She won't be coming back - LOL!!
I'll try and do at least photo posts more often I promise.